Sunday 22 November 2015

Winter Came

Bare Trees
I thought I might try my hand at being a bit more creative in my descriptions of my photos, a bit more poetic? Any way here goes. This is called Winter Came.

Winter Came
It came in the night
Roaring and howling

The trees
 In the morning
Lifting their leafless limbs
Against the scudding sky

The willow wept no more
Bowing her head
As if in shame.

And in the park
A towering tracery of twigs
Against the blue.

They look taller somehow
Majestic in their

Stripped of their
 Autumn 'glad-rags'
Winter came!

Saturday 14 November 2015

November mists

November mists
At the bottom of our street is a very tall landmark and now and again it disappears completely from view! My husband and I always make a joke about it "Someone's come in the night and pinched the lift tower again!"

On a walk, later that day, the countryside looked amazing like an impressionist painting.

And we discovered that they'd only stolen the top half of the tower!

Sunday 1 November 2015

Reflections 2

Reflections 2
Thinking about this word "reflection", it means just that, thinking again about something, maybe in a different way.Maybe in an upside down way.

These are some of my favourite photos.

The lake looks just like a mirror, and sometimes we need to take another look at ourselves maybe an upside-down look!